
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Science Quiz for Kids - Multiple - Choice Questions part 6

1. Wrap a thick - around the burning part of the body.
a) paper     b) blanket         c) rubber                                     (b)

2. Accidents can be prevented if we are
a) careful   b) frightened       c) sick                                        (a)

3. In case of insect bite apply - on the affected area.
a) antiseptic cream        b) telcom powder   c) tooth paste        (a)

4. Immediate attention should be given to the person who is
a) sleeping        b) bleeding             c) eating                          (b)

5. Cotton grows on - plants.
a) cotton           b) sunflower           c) potato                    (a)

6. We get silk from
a) silk worms        b) cotton plants        c) flax plant                 (a)

7. - fibers are man made.
a) silk            b) synthetic                 c) cotton                          (b)

8. - should be worn is summer.
a) silk                 b) cotton                    c) wool                        (b)

9. - should be worn in winter.
a) silk                  b) cotton                     c) wool                         (c)

10. Gum shoes are worn on a - day.
a) summer               b) winter                   c) rainy                       (c)

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