
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Science Quiz for Kids - Fibre to Fabric - Multiple - Choice Questions part 7

1. which of these is not a natural fibre?
a) leather    b) jute     c) wool    d) cotton     (a)

2. Which of these fabrics will you choose to wear in hot & humid conditions?
a) cotton     b) silk      c) nylon      d) wool       (a)

3.Historians believe that cotton clothes were 1st worn in
a) India    b) Egypt       c) China       d) Europe       ( b)

4. Which of these is the leading producer  of wool today?
a) Germany   b) Australia    c) New Zealand        d) USA     (b)

5. Which of these is not a property of jute?
a) biodegradability    b) durability    c) smoothness       d) strength       (c)

6. Which of these is not  a fibre?
a) jute      b) nylon         c) leather     d) wool            (c)

7. Which of these do you think traps the most air?
a) nylon      b) cotton       c) wool       d) polyester      (c)

8. Which of these is not a property of nylon?
a) light weight   b) strong    c) absorbs water      d) wrinkle free    (c)

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