
Sunday, November 24, 2013

One word answer

1. Example of smooth fiber - (cotton)

2.  Example of shiny fiber - (silk)

3.  Example of fluffy fiber - (wool)

 4.  Example of wrinkle free fiber - (nylon)

5.Cotton grows best in the (black) soil of South India or the (alluvial soil of North India.

6.To grow best,cotton requires (moderate) rainfall.

7. (Sericulture is the rearing of silkworm for the production of silk.

8. Jute is one of the cheapest natural fibers. True or false? (true).

9.Jute grows best in areas that get( heavy) [heavy/moderate/low] rainfall.

10.Soaking the jute plants in water is called (retting).

11.Synthetic fibers dry faster than cotton or wool. True or false? (True).

12.Fibers are made from melted plastic by passing it through fine holes in a (spinneret).