
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Multiple choice questions in Nutrition in animals - 7th class living science

Multiple choice questions : choose the most appropriate answer.
1. Which of these is not a part of nutrition?
a) digestion    b) absorption     c) egestion   d) excretion                (d)

2. The pointed teeth in your mouth are
a) premolars     b) incisors     c) molars   d) canines               (d)

3. The last part of digestion of food takes place in the
a) stomach    b) small intestine     c) large intestine   d) oesophagus                (c)

4. Which of the following organs does not secrete digestive juices
a) stomach    b) small intestine     c) liver   d) oesophagus                  (d)

5. The greatest amount of digestion of food in humans takes place in the
a) mouth    b) stomach     c) small intestine   d) large intestine                (c)

6. Breaking down of food into simple soluble compounds is called
a) ingestion    b) digestion     c) nutrition   d) egestion                (b)

7. During digestion, fats are changed into
a) amino acids    b) fatty acids and glycerol     c) sugar  d) glucose                (b)

8. Bile is produced in the
a) stomach    b) small intestine     c) pancreas   d) liver                (d)

9. The teeth that are used for biting an apple are
a) incisors    b) canines     c) pre-molars   d) molars                (a)

10. What kind of teeth do you think are especially developed in carnivores?
a) incisors    b) canines     c) pre-molars   d) molars               (b)

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