
Monday, December 21, 2020

Important bits in 10th class Science #2

 1. Is burning a candle, a physical change or a chemical change?

Ans: Chemical change.

2. Identify the type of reaction in the given equation.

CH₄ + 2O₂→CO₂ + 2H₂O + Heat 

Ans: Combustion  reaction

3. Which is the stronger acid, with pH= 5 or with pH=2?

Ans: A solution with pH 2 is a stronger acid.

4. Name the type of mirror used in the headlights of a car. 

Ans: Concave mirror

5. Mention the site of complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in humans. 

Ans: Small intestine in alimentary canal.

6. Name the extensively coiled structure of alimentary canal.

Ans: Ileum

7. Mention the part of the brain which maintains the posture and balance of the body 

Ans: Cerebellum 

8. Where does aerobic respiration occur in a cell? 

Ans: Mitochondria

9. Why paint is applied on iron articles? 

Ans: Rusting of iron is a redox reaction

10. What is meant by least distance of distinct vision? 

Ans: It is defined as the minimum distance between the eye lens and the object to form a clear image.

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