
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Science Quiz for Kids - Fill in the Blanks part 10

1. The process of making yarn from fibres is known as - (Spinning)

2. -, a type of durable cloth used to make jeans.(Denim)

3. Removing the wool from sheep using special clippers is called - (Shearing)

4. Silk is obtained from the cocoon of the -(silkworm)

5. - & - are synthetic fibres.(Nylon & Polyester)

6. Cotton grows best in the - soil of south India.(Black)

7. To grow best, cotton requires - rainfall (moderate)

8. - is the rearing of silkworm for the production of silk.(Sericulture)

9. Soaking the jute plants in water is called - (retting)

10. Jute grows best in areas that get - rainfall. (heavy)

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