
Monday, October 28, 2013

Science Quiz for Kids - Deficiency Diseases

Science Quiz for Kids - Deficiency Diseases
When some particular nutrients are lacking in a person's diet, it causes diseases known as deficiency diseases. Here is a chart to show the various deficiency diseases that can affect our body.
Name of the nutrient Deficiency disease Sources of the nutrient
Vitamin ANight blindnessYellow fruits such as mango, papayaetc., green leafy vegetables, fish,yolk of the egg.
Vitamin B1Beri beri(affects nervous system)Milk, fish, meat,cereals,eggs,unpolished rice
Vitamin CScurvy(swelling & bleeding of gums)Citrus fruits, amla, green leafy vegetables, etc.,
Vitamin D(Sunshine Vitamin)Rickets(bow - legged)Exposure to sunlight & food such as milk,meat,butter, cheese,etc.
IronAnaemia(lack of haemoglobin in blood)Apples, bananas, guavas,spinach,meat,gur
CalciumDeformed bones & teethMilk & its products
IodineGoitre (thyroid gland in the neck swells up)Seafood, iodised salt

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