
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Science Quiz for Kids - Multiple - Choice Questions part 3

Science Quiz for Kids - Multiple - Choice Questions part 3
1. Food passes into the small intestine from the
a) stomach     b) food pipe      c) large intestine                               (c)

2. The lowest part of the large intestine is called
a) anus             b) rectum          c) kidney                                     (b)

3. The solid, unabsorbed food passes out of the -  as faeces.
a) rectum          b) kidneys           c) anus                                   (c)

4. Which of the following is used to preserve meat & fish?
a) dying              b) salting             c) sweetening                       (b)

5. Dehydration is a method of preserving food by -
a) freezing           b) boiling            c) removing water              (c)

6. The layer below the hard outer layer of teeth is called -
a) dentine           b) enamel              c) pulp                          (b)

7. Which of the following is grinding tooth?
a) canine              b) molar               c) pre-molar                  (b)

8. Instrument through which the microbes can be seen is
a) telescope          b) lens               c) microscope                   (c)

9. Which of the following cause measles?
a) bacteria           b) virus               c) fungi                           (b)

10. Our body uses energy which comes from -
a) water              b) food                    c) work                    (b)

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