
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Power of an Ocean - Equator

Equator: is an imaginary line circling the earth midway between the North & South poles. It is a unique region of our planet; home to both the world's greatest concentration of human population & natural biodiversity. Under the high temperature of the equatorial sun lie paradise beaches, strange foods & exotic wildlife, along with some of the world's most extreme terrains.(like : dense rainforests, towering volcanoes & perilous rapids.)The sun giver of life & light, shines most powerfully at the equator. Hence the equator is an extraordinarily rich zone of life.

Ocean Currents: The ocean's power comes from the equatorial sun. It sets in motion great currents that bring food & minerals to the islands bringing riches to feed many creatures.For example: Out across the equatorial Pacific the immensely powerful sun heats surface waters to nearly 30 degrees Celsius. Warm, moist air rises in such huge amounts that from space the equator is visible as a line pf boiling cloud. Cool air drawn in from below is swept west by the spin of the earth. These are the trade winds & they collide at the equator creating thunderstorms & heavy rain. Palmyra Atoll & Galapagos are a group of islands which also lie on the equator.

Equatorial Skies : Nearly 30 species of seabirds come to nest in Palmyra Atoll. It is one of only a few islands in the equatorial Pacific where seabirds can rise their young. For example:Red Footed Booby Chick depends on the tall trees of nesting. To find food for its hungry chick, a red - footed booby spends most of its time far out at sea searching for flying fish.

Coral Reefs & Fish: The coral reefs looks like a vast garden, but it's one made up of millions of tiny animals. Each coral is a colony of polyps all filtering food from the passing current. The real secret of a coral polyp's success are the minute gardens buried inside its tissue.

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